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Postive Thinking: Build your skills, Boost your Integrity.

As normal we would out-rightly prefer positive rather than negative. In as much as we all will chose Positivity, it is still a choice. Positive thinking is a term that carries the same weight as "persistence".
Positive Thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the better side of life with expectations to yield positive results.
A positive person expects success, happiness and works towards  overcoming obstacles and difficulty. This subject is gaining popularity, as evidenced by many books, lectures and courses. This doesn't mean you keep yourself out of the crowd and ignore life's unpleasant situations. Positive & negative thinking are very much contagious. Great thinkers are always courageous because they know what it takes. These are few tips on how to develop your ability to think positive.


  As the adage goes "show me your friends and ill tell you who you are". The people you surround yourself with definitely will make an impact in your behaviour. When you walk with negative people, their negativity is likely to extend to you. As said earlier, both positivity and negativity are both contagious. To become positive you definitely will spend time with positive friends

You should try to spend time everyday reading things that appreciates positive thoughts and instigates positivity. Read some inspirational and spiritual materials to boost your well being and help focus on the important aspects of your life. this could be a great way to begin and end your day.
You need to spend time thinking about the consequences of your negative thoughts. For example,  a person who thinks "i probably wont get this job interview " may put less effort into the interview. As a result, he may decrease his chances of getting the job.
Make a liost of  all the ways negative thinking impacts your life, likely give influences on your behaviour, your relationships, and your feelings too. Then make a list of the ways in which positive thinking could be benefitted for you and others too.

You may begin to ask how does this affect your positive thinking. but YES! it really does,. you need to take good care of yourself .Try to get enough rest and exercise and practice managing your stress properly. Also you should manage your physical, mental, social and emotional well being.
It is quite easier to be positive about problems and setbacks when you have goals that you are working towards. this goals will motivate you to overcome those obstacles. You should have lay down plans on how to carry out your daily activities and also make sure to achieve your goal for each day. 
As you face problem and difficulties in life don't play a role of the victim. you need to figure out role in the situation and always take responsibilities for your behavior."ALWAYS BE IN CHARGE". This can help you learn from your mistakes and keep you safe from you putting the blame on others.
One of the best ways of feeling good is when you change the lives of people around you. you have to focus and make contributions to the society at large. you must be courageous and affect people around you. the feel of helping others can give you a new vision towards thinking positively
 Now, we must know that Negativity is a very nasty and contagious disease, remove yourself from all negative people, situations and things choosing to be positive will help you maintain a better attitude.


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