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MMO SERIES: Top 15 Online Business Ideas & Opportunities. Turn Liabilities to Assets.

Its is no longer a news that the world has been filled with so many tremendous business opportunities and great elevating business ideas but its quite unfortunate that not everyone can see this. Bill Gates once said that;" if your business is not on the web, then your business will soon be out of business." and i believe this statement is vividly the truth. 

The internet is really the next big thing  due to the fact that it has really helped a lot of people earn a living. Its has virtually become the sole sustenance to some people and still pays off thousands of more.The likes of Seun Osewa, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Doncaprio, Linda Ikeji etc have turn billionaires off the internet.

For those of us who have that zeal to still join the billionaires club of the internet, i want you to know that the door is still open to everyone. young and old, but the question is Are you ready?
There are few secrets which have been let out of the bag and you need to know all of this before pouncing on your millions.HOODHIVE.COM Make Money Online(MMO) Series is here to teach you the top 15 ways to generate legal income online. The various topics to be taught in this series are ; blogging, affiliate marketing, Information marketing, Online freelancing, Google ad sense and many more

Before we get started.

You should be prepared for real business. Its time to recoup all you've lost in the previous months of the year and make real cash before this year comes to an end. Once you are ready just grab yourself a glass of chilled juice as you read to the end.

What you need to know.

The net is so broad and we cant teach every way you can make money but we are going to break down to lowest term the top 15 easiest ways to make money online. This Series is going to last for a while, this post entails a list and brief details of how to make money online.
NB; Each of these ways would be treated one after the other so if you find your interest i the list here you would have to keep checking back our next post for the full details of your interested MMO method.

What you need to do.

Mind you, every details here is highly important one of the first step of making money online is patience. Be patience enough to read up every piece of information here because it is very vital.

Here in HoodHive we believe that Sharing is Caring. Do not forget to share every post as this series goes on to your Facebook, twitter, pin interest and other social network.
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Now its time to let the cat out of the bag. You should know that this shouldn't stop you from making other business plans you have. Ill start reviewing the ideas one after just relax, read and think.

  • Programming Services
This is a very great way of making money. With the growing demand for software, application and plugins; this service is definitely a business to beat because it is of steady demand. But the downside here is that is requires the skill, you must learn programming and without the skills then you are hindered.If you are patient enough to learn the ropes of programming you are the bomb because you are already sure of steady supply of contracts.

  • Web design
Web(site) design is an online service business that has been around for a very long time, yet the market is still unsaturated. Research has shown that every day about 300,000 blogs /websites / forum are opened each day around the world, this means that money will forever continue to circulate in this aspect of online business. All you need is to acquire the basic skills needed, some artistic talents, programming knowledge and time. Always make sure yu build your portfolio when building your websites to encourage trust and more clients.

  • Web hosting reselling
Although web hosting is already becoming a saturated  market with creativity and focus you can earn few millions from this. Once you begin to put in initial efforts and begin to get some clients you are set. Your money comes in even while you are asleep.

  • Setting up an E-commerce store
This could be a bit tedious but quite easy. It involves setting up an e-commerce or retail store online and you can start this online business from the comfort of your home without owning a single product. You can sell virtually anything ranging from books, clothes, electronics, household materials, etc..

  • Advert Network (AD network)
You can start a company online that connects advertisers to websites who wants to host advertisements. The key responsibility of a Ad network is the aggregation of Ad space supply from publishers and matching it with advertisers demand.

  • Trading Forex
Over the years Forex trading has proven itself a very reliable source of income. although I'm not really into it but i have a few friend who are into it and they are making cool cash from the economy crash in Nigeria. Forex trading involves real training so therefore you shouldn't venture into it until your are well grounded in this or you will end up losing your hard earned money in the bid to earn more.

  • E book Publishing
Every day millions of people look for one help or the other. most of them go online and purchase eBooks that will help in solving their various problems. While many enjoy reading of books each each day, a great writer can enjoy the money. Those who have the skills to write and are ready to spare their little time to write up a topic or niche really wanted by everyone. with the right market strategies you can make money from selling these books to people all over the world.

  • Social Media Marketing
Social Media consulting have helped Nigerian companies grow their revenues and get them very relevant  n the social media. They employ strategies ranging from social virality to pure user engagement. It helps businesses make their customers look like family on the social media. Their services are too vital for the success of every on social media and the Internet as a whole.

  • Search Engine Optimization Services (SEO)
Nowadays people no longer fight to be online but to be on the very first page of the search engine. SEO being a trade has gotten many scampering around to find professionals that can help them get on the first list of the search engine as quick as possible. Companies till today pay tons of thousands to people who can help their web page rank top10 in the Google web rank. As soon as you can do this then you are in business.

  • Affiliate Marketing
This is where most people get serious. the good thing about affiliate marketing is that you do not have to pay a dime to start up. the first venture you can start online is to your own affiliate store. To become an affiliate marketer means you will promote other peoples products and services. These companies give you a link to their product and then  when people click and get these products through you, you earn yourself a few bucks. The brighter side of affiliate marketing is that you can make use of your mobile java phones to run it, not to talk of Symbian or other smart phones. So if you have large followers on your twitter, Facebook, or you have a blog which has a lot of traffic then you are good to start. You  can start earning revenues from companies like Konga, Jumia, dealdey, kaymu and a whole lot of them.

  • Blogging
This has become the fastest growing online business in Nigeria. After linda ikeji earned millions from this business every one keep on asking for how to start theirs. The main thing here is not just the money but passion and the patience and if you do not have this two or any of them then there is no need to start because you will end up like thousand s of Nigerians who got frustrated blogging . If you have a flare for a particular topic and you are a great writer the you are good to go. This business is has a free package so you can start up with that for the mean time and when you get serious you go for the paid package.

There are still other ways of making money online i would just like to highlight and these include:
  • Research and Sales information
  • Free lance writing
  • Proof Reading
  • Consultancy
  • Resume writing services   etc..
There are still many more ways but lets stop here for now in my next post i will be treating in details some of the topics above make sure you check back or subscribe your email to get updates of our latest posts.
Don't forget to like our Facebook page an follow me on Google+

What are your thoughts about these online money making ideas. Let me know by leaving a comment below.
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