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5 Easy Steps to Reduce Mobile Data Usage.

The rate at which we surf the web these days has really increased by 20%,and these has also made our data plans get exhausted speedily. A friend once asked " Is this 1.5gb i bought  still the same?". His data got exhausted unusually. Everyone cherishes their data subscription and always hope it doesn't get exhausted before the stipulated time. But one thing is that we always want to get the latest of every piece of info and updates on our phone since we are on sub. Now, since you have begin to realize that your data has been zapping up unusually there are certain measures with which you can use to reduce this problem.
Today ill be giving us 5easy steps with which we can reduce our mobile data usage and make that subscription last longer.

5 Steps to Reduce Mobile Data Usage.


Most of us who make use of Google chrome browser to surf the web all time can compress the pages and save about 30% of your data consumption from your mobile browser. Chrome page compressing is now referred to as data saver in app update and found in settings. It enables all web pages to be compressed even when in desktop view before they are loaded into your browser.
Data saving also comes with its own cons too which involves slowing your web pages down a little bit. But you don't really need to bother about the speed because you will get used to it. You could also see how much data you have saved by tapping data saver records in the setting of the chrome browser.

2 Discard that Facebook APP

This should be directed mostly for android users. Facebook has become one of the most used apps but what we dont really know is that it amount to 40% drainage of our data, leading to loss ofdata and even drainage of battery. To save your data we could replace the app with others facebook enabled apps like Tinfoil for facebook, which is simply a web app that displays the facebook website. Even the facebook site which we are meant to beleive reduces data consumption by 50%isnot really recommended because it still consumes large amount of data too but not as much as the main app does.

3 Save rather than Stream

For those of us who love streaming music and videos from the web such as vines, you tube, and others should be ready to buy data every single week. This is because online streaming consumes data much more than you think. The best option is to always download these files to your device.
You can always save them for online listening if you don't want to stuff those videos on your phone memory.  By doing this you will save more than enough data for yourself and your subscription will stay longer period of time.

 4 Restrict Background Data

One of the surest ways to reduce the amount of data usage is by restricting background data. By doing this you really done yourself a lot of favor. Features such as Email syncing, weather widgets, feeds updates, etc. are examples of background data that you have to disable because they consume your data even without trace.
To get this done just go to  settings> data usage> restrict background data. You could also adjust the settings of a particular app or change the sync settings of the google app.When this is done, your are good to go because you have closed the doors for consumption of your data.

5 Disable Auto-Updating Apps

Google apps update is yet another factor that drains your data. If you set the play store to automatically update apps, your internet subscription with get exhausted more faster than normal because apps are being updated even without your notice.
To disable this on your android phone simply go to play store and open the left drawer. Click on settings and youll see Auto update apps tap on it and ensure you set it as Do Not Auto-Update Apps.

These are sure 5 ways you can reduce the consumption of your data to the minimal.
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